Tuesday, November 18

When you need it most

The last couple of days have been particularly tough with transition ahead, saying good bye and unexpected disappointments. And just as I am at my wits end I receive this in an email from a friend who has no idea the struggle I face...

It is a mellow day, very gentle. The ash has lost its leaves and when I went out to get the mail and stopped to look up at it, I rejoiced to think that soon everything here will be honed down to structure. It is all a rich farewell now to leaves, to color. I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of a season, how without grief (it seems) they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal and sleep. Eliot's statement comes back to me these days:

Teach us to care and not to care
Teach us to sit still."
Does anything in nature despair except man?
Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember that nothing stays the same for long, not even pain.
Sit it out.
Let it go.

Sit at the waters edge and gaze upon the majesty of The One who is in control.

Friday, October 24

1000 more....A reflective morning!

An early morning walk in the park (wash park).

A picture is worth a 1000 words

I seem to be short on words to keep this blog up to date, so lets try another route...

An Afternoon bike ride with E...I'm sure gonna miss those!

Friday, September 12

Score one for the home team!

I have to admit tonights political discussion group knocked it out of the park. Being in Denver had is perks and daily I ponder the possibility of coming home or staying a little longer. With every moment you could ask me and the answer would be different. But tonight the home team scored some major points...

Tonight I came home to KC and decided to surprise a couple of friends at our monthly political discussion group. I started the group about 9 months ago to get us talking about the next election (selfishly to get me to read up and be more informed). I should of been gone for the rest of them, since I recently moved to Denver, however as timing would work out, I happened upon a beauty.

I think the new faces brought some great new perspectives that elevated the greatness. This is what its all about. A room full of people who really do want to see change. Not just a politician that can change things, but they want to see change in the lives of the people around them, even if it means that they have to do some of work. I pray that this community continues to come together to talk lifes issues, whether it be political, social, spiritual or whatever. I am hopeful that we really can challenge one another to BE the change that we want to see in the world. I hope that we all really can find the one thing we feel passionate about and put our efforts towards making something happen.

Friday, September 5

At Last!!

The countryside has a little more texture around here :)

Today I finally made my way to Roxborough State Park and hiked a 6.5 mile trail to the top of what they probably consider a boulder around here. In Kansas this would be considered Pike's Peak, but here its the foothills. God certainly was creative when He was doing His work.

My crazy biology mind looks at these red rocks and wonders about how they were formed and what they are made of...and the ever present question in biology, "what is there evolutionary significants?" But today I just said, those are Damn pretty rocks :) well, not really, but that would of been funny!

My friend Jill (a friend from college who I happened to run into at the good ole local coffee shop - I love Wash Perk!) got to enjoy the damn pretty rocks with me.

Saturday, August 30

Fly on the Wall

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall at a Democratic party. Well this past Wednesday night, Elizabeth, Molly and I were just that. The offer of DNC tickets from my coffee shop friend panned out and we joined her at the DNC nomination celebration party. NO, I was not lucky enough to score tickets to the Pepsi Center to hear the real speeches, but this was probably the next best thing. I must admit, I could never live that lifestyle on a regular basis. Even as my new found friend Nisha put it "you have to be on all the time". This being the reason she has left the political scene.

I am sure it was obvious we were outsiders, but at that point we didn't care. Free food and drinks and the chance to be just feet from Joe Biden, hearing first hand another thanks for the VP nomination. Honestly, I think the most fun was laughing with Molly and E as we just watched people interact and joking about the possibility of being the one to just break it out on the dance floor. But instead we threw cares aside and took pictures with the hilarious donkey!

Monday, August 25

You just have to say HELLO!

Today, standing in line for my late morning cup of Joe I met Nisha, the girl standing behind me. Making small talk about the downtown cluster of the DNC I asked if she was going to be avoiding the crowds this week. Needless to say, she is actually in town for the big event. Being a former employee of the political realm, she is here to see old friends and enjoy the activities. This intensity and knowledge of politics I don't understand. Happy to have a vague understanding and feel as though I am making halfway educated decisions I tried to hang in a somewhat educated conversation of the democratic politics. I must not of made a complete fool of myself because later she said they may have extra tickets...What an opportunity! The DNC??? Not my typical venue, but probably shouldn't pass up that chance. And to possibly be live to see Bill Clinton pull some ridiculous stunt. I'll keep you all posted.

Sunday, August 24

Road Trip (week 1)

8 1/2 hours of flint hills, wind farms, some extremely empty flat lands and a little rain landed my mother and me in the beautiful city of Denver, Colorado.

I can already see that the first few weeks will be filled with fun new adventures and moments of missing home. I can't say much yet about the hospital I'm working at, this week was filled with hospital orientation. Its really hard for nurses to sit for so many hours...especially and ICU nurse! I feel like its been ages since I've seen a patient. Hooray for Monday...never thought I'd be so excited to go to work.

In the mean time I've been doing my best to meet some locals and take advantage of all the beauty around me. Wash Park and the Cherry Creek Trail have been the spots for this week. wish I could teleport them back to KC with me in November. But if you know me at all you know I have to find a local coffee shop ASAP....Done. I think that was the easiest part of this transition. 1.5 blocks from my home, Wash Perk! I believe I will be frequenting regularly...